Pro AV Catalog
931 Benecia Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
United States


VITEC is a worldwide leading provider of innovative digital video products that support end-to-end media solutions for all industries that utilize a video workflow. VITEC’s professional-grade video technologies have changed the landscape of how video is processed and delivered around the world and drive many of the major video services in key vertical markets.

Model: Diamond C10

Diamond C10 delivers high-density, high-quality low-latency streaming for IPTV distribution, contribution and remote production.
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Life Church Selects VITEC House of Worship Streaming Solutions
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2019
VITEC's MGW Ace Encoder and Decoder are being used at Life Church and its four satellite campuses across Memphis, Tenn. Part of VITEC’s House of Worship Solution, the MGW Ace Encoder and Decoder allow the Life Church to live stream its services from the main campus to its satellite locations ...