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iFi audio - ZEN Air DAC


Model: ZEN Air DAC

  • A breath of fresh Air - Max the audio quality from your phone, tablet or computer
  • Hearing is believing
  • Simply better
  • Flexible formats
  • Sonic tailoring And breathe
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Tech Specs

Improve the quality of your everyday audio with the ZEN Air DAC. DAC stands for Digital to Analogue converter. In a nutshell, a DAC converts the digital info in your source device – your computer, games console, tablet or smartphone -  to music that we can hear through speakers or headphones.

Every device that is a source of digital sound has a built-in DAC. External DACs sound much better that the standard DACs used inside these devices.

The ZEN Air DAC outputs very hi-res (high resolution) quality audio. This is much better that the standard audio you would get from just using your computer, games console, tablet or smartphone.

Imagine the difference in quality from a standard TV to an 8K Ultra HD TV - but in sound! This is the difference an external DAC makes to your music.

Once you hear it, you’ll be converted (not just your audio)!

The ZEN Air DAC supports different file formats – PCM 32bit/384kHz, fully native DSD256 and MQA.

PCM – Pulse Code Modulation is the file format used in CD, DVD, Blu-ray and other digital audio applications. It’s the next step up from MP3.

DSD – Direct Stream Digital is a very high-quality audio format, better than CD quality. The higher the number (sample rate), the better the recording – DSD64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024. Fully native means that it hasn’t been altered in any way from the original recording.

MQA – Master Quality Authenticated is an award-winning audio technology that enables music fans to stream the original master recording into their home, car or their mobile. With the ZEN Air DAC you can listen to MQA straight out of the box. Simply  connect to Tidal Masters and check the option to stream MQA.

  • A breath of fresh Air - Max the audio quality from your phone, tablet or computer
  • Hearing is believing
  • Simply better
  • Flexible formats
  • Sonic tailoring And breathe

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