With plenty of CG sets ready to use as soon as the virtual system is installed
Use the library to save time and costs of creating CG sets when producing programming
Purchase your choice of 10 CG sets in a package from a wide selection of more than 160 sets
The wide range of contents available includes studio CG sets (news and information programs, weather, etc.), stadium and facility contents (baseball fields, stadiums, golf courses, etc.), seasonal scenery, cities of the world
10 practical virtual CG sets in 1 package. CG resource collection for Brainstorm eStudio.
With plenty of CG sets ready to use as soon as the virtual system is installed
Use the library to save time and costs of creating CG sets when producing programming
Purchase your choice of 10 CG sets in a package from a wide selection of more than 160 sets
The wide range of contents available includes studio CG sets (news and information programs, weather, etc.), stadium and facility contents (baseball fields, stadiums, golf courses, etc.), seasonal scenery, cities of the world