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Jupiter Announces ControlPoint™3.0 Display Wall Management Suite adds Powerful Security Enhancements
Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2012
New ControlPoint Security software suite safeguards operations with user verification, access management and forensic logging of display wall operation
Jupiter to Showcase its ControlPoint™ 3.0, new CP Security and other solutions at Integrated Systems Europe, Booth number 2C49
Integrated Systems Europe, Amsterdam RAI, NL– January 31, 2012 -- Jupiter Systems (, the industry leader in Display Wall Processors, today announced ControlPoint™ 3.0, a complete suite of software applications, components, device drivers, control APIs and protocols used in control now includes ControlPoint Security™,  new security safeguards for user verification, access management and forensic logging of display wall operation.  All Fusion Catalyst and VizionPlus II display wall controllers will now ship with ControlPoint Security™, the additional, enhanced security features.
New ControlPoint Security features Windows Active Directory integration, providing secure login with the standard user name and password controlled by the customer’s IT department.
With security defined at the object level, managers can create discrete management and access permissions for wall segments, layouts, inputs, applications, and remote cursor control.  User activity and event logging are performed at sub-second resolution, allowing thorough forensic analysis.
“In applications that include traffic management, emergency operations, electrical  power generation and transmission, process control, military, law enforcement, and physical security, system managers need to control who can access the display wall and which aspects of operational control are available to them.  The ability to record actions and analyze them for forensic purposes is essential,” said Brady O. Bruce, Jupiter’s Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Alliances.  “ControlPoint Security has all of the features that security-focused enterprises want in a display wall management solution.”