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Welcome To The New PureLink Website
Posted on Friday, July 2, 2010
Since it’s inception in 2001, Dtrovision’s PureLink brand has grown into one of the most respected and successful lines of HDTV connectivity products in the world. Our website has grown and evolved over time along with the marketplace too, now presented in web v2.o. You will find many great new features including social inter-activity, a search engine to make finding any PureLink product easier, video tutorials (coming this Fall) to teach you how to use our most advanced products, and comparison charts to help you see why even to this day, nothing beats a PureLink.

You will find new product pages for every item we make, including specs, features, manuals, and images. Each product that includes accessories will have those listed on that product page so they are easy to find.

PureLink has a lot of new, breakthrough products debuting in 2010. As one of the industry pioneers in this category, we remain a few years ahead of our competitors because we started earlier. However, we’re not blind, we see our competition in our rear-view mirror and know that in order to preserve our status as the #1 vendor of choice among a small group of suppliers, we have to continue to invent better ways to do all the things we do.

Our vision is now complete, ready to be revealed. We have created the most advanced and reliable line of HD Digital Matrix Routers, Switchers, Distribution & Conversion Devices, Fiber Optic and CAT5 Cable Extension Systems, in the world.

We are able to move protected 1080p HD content, from 4×4 to 320×320, up to over a mile seamlessly, with no data-loss or latency, across the multiple platforms of HDMI, DVI, and/or 3G SDI simultaneously. Our MX and MXA Series Modular Routers are now availble with v1.4 HDMI for 3D and 4K.

We have invented an entirely new category to solve the "messy rack": our Modular Extension Center Series of rack mountable chassis and modular Cat5, Fiber Optic, HDMI, and DVI transmitters and receivers for ease of operation and control over long distance.

I could go on but you get the point. This is our response to what we see happening in our industry today. We think you will agree with us, more than ever, nothing beats a PureLink.