RM IntegrisG2 is a new school Management Information System (MIS) for primary schools that is cloud-based (centrally hosted and web-delivered) and offers access to school information from the classroom, office or home. Your support team will no longer need to support or apply software upgrades at each of your schools. All RM IntegrisG2 software upgrades are implemented outside of school hours to avoid interruption to working day and are managed by RM Education. With secure access rights, pupil data can easily be shared between relevant agencies, adhering to and satisfying DfE & LA data requirements whilst reducing the burden on the school. RM IntegrisG2 is entirely web-delivered and eliminates the need for dedicated servers, for schools to host the MIS, and for support contracts to maintain these servers.
Can be accessed via any Internet enabled device
No need for any more expensive server and hardware configurations to support your MIS
Secure anytime, anywhere access means teachers can work on the system from home or anywhere with internet connectivity
Includes a powerful reporting tool, with over 200+ types of reports
Software upgrades are applied once and centrally when released and ready immediately to all schools
With consent, the Local Authority can begin to carry out a number of tasks on a school's behalf
Robust security protocols ensure only users with the appropriate privileges can access pupil data